News & Views These are the 5 actions Women’s Safety Ministers must urgently address Sixty seven groups have jointly signed a letter to state and federal governments, noting five clear areas for improvimg women’s safety.
News & Views The Morrison Government says it needs ‘new ideas’ on DV? Start by addressing the dangerous language We don’t need ‘new idea’s. The experts have been trumpeting them for years. What we need is an end to the dangerous language and the ideas that cover up the real issue.
News & Views Scott Morrison says we must do “all that we can” so he needs to fund services for women. Now. Every person fleeing violence from a current or former partner needs to be able to access the services they need, when they need it, where they need it.
News & Views Morrison government slashes funding to only peak body for Indigenous DV victims From June 2020 the Morrision government will slash funding to the FVPLS Forum- removing Indigenous women’s voices from the national DV agenda.