Local Domestic Violence NSW calls for $163 million to address escalating crisis Domestic Violence NSW is calling on the NSW government for an immediate 50 per cent increase in baseline funding to keep up with the demand.
News & Views NSW government announces $230 million emergency domestic and family violence package The NSW government has pledged $230 million to tackle violence against women through a reform package.
News & Views Domestic violence NSW launches public pledge with Rosie Batty AO to end domestic violence Domestic Violence NSW and survivor advocate Rosie Batty AO have launched a public pledge to end the epidemic domestic and family violence.
Health As DV hotline funding ends, one organisation is stepping up to help women Pilot funding for the national 24/7 counselling service for victim-survivors DV ends 30 June. Full Stop Australia is stepping up.
News & Views Domestic violence services experiencing surging demands during lockdowns. Where is the surge in funding? Domestic Violence NSW has today released their report, ‘The impact of the 2021 Greater Sydney COVID-19 lockdown on specialist domestic and family violence services, and their clients’.