Life Financial and psychological impacts worse for women in pandemic, study shows The fallout of the pandemic has been much worse for women than men, according to a new Australian study from the University of Queensland.
News & Views Shaky employment recovery not the time to cut payments, especially for women at the forefront of care & job losses We will need much more government stimulus if we are to combat the devastating impact of long-term unemployment, writes Toni Wren
News & Views How do we turn a ‘she-cession’ into a ‘she-covery’? Here are three ideas to start on The government has acknowledged the disproportionate effects of this crisis on women. So what action can turn the ‘she-cession’ into a ‘she-recovery’?
News & Views Construction is the industry that gets a $688 million stimulus. Seriously? Given women account for 55% of job losses postCOVID19, the idea of a well paid, male-dominated industry being the recipients of a $688million stimulus is hard to swallow.