News & Views The booming local tech giant with an early ‘working mums foundation’ At Dicker Darter, workplace flexibility has been a thing for decades. They started with a foundation of ‘working mums’ and have been growing.
Advice Truly flexible workplaces require systemic change, not band-aids Flexible Working Day approaches, the timing couldn’t be more poignant as the global impact of COVID-19 grows to Herculean proportions around the world.
News & Views For many women, it’s the ‘assumptions’ that are creating the barriers Monika Lancucki says a conscious focus, by all, on the assumptions that underpin our choices and decisions and the impact that those decisions have on gender equality.
News & Views Why are we not working remotely? Leaders need to step up Minister Stephen Conroy frequently reiterates that the NBN’s implementation can double the level of teleworking (or ‘anywhere working’) for Australian workers, while also boosting GDP and creating the equivalent of an additional 25,000 full-time jobs; 20% of those in regional Australia.
News & Views Childcare: What good’s a rebate when you can’t even get a place? Just about every time I click on a YouTube video, watch television or open a newspaper, I’m confronted with federal government advertisements informing me that we can claim a non-means tested childcare rebate.
Ed's Blog Paid parental leave debate puts women against women During a recent interview with Ann Sherry, who is arguably the architect of paid maternity leave in corporate Australia, she expressed her disappointment that the government paid parental leave debate has been “hijacked by politics” – a debate about privileged women versus ordinary working women.