News & Views Eating gluten-free can be challenging. Ariane Titmus knows what it’s like Ariarne Titmus is an ambassador for GluteGuard, a product that helps protect those who are gluten sensitive from inadvertent gluten intake.
Women's Health News Breast cancer and alcohol: the elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about In Australia, its estimated that up to 1 in 10 breast cancer diagnoses are related to drinking, which is around 2,000 women each year.
Health Australian parents are stressed and there’s a hidden byproduct we’re not addressing Research suggests that parents’ stress is contributing to poor childhood health behaviours, such as exercise and physical activity, with resulting increases in childhood obesity.
Life The three areas of health we should prioritise for ourselves You can’t pour from an empty cup – make sure to take care of yourself. You need to prioritise the areas of mental, physical, and oral health.
Life Exercise can reduce stress and improve sleep – particularly for women with breast cancer Exercise almost any time of day can help reduce your stress levels and improve sleep, writes Len De Nys and Anna Catriona Whittaker.
News & Views New mothers may soon be able to access new oral treatment for postpartum depression A new drug to treat postpartum depression which previously had to be injected has been developed. Now patients may take an oral capsule.
Health How to use meal delivery services to stay healthy with a busy schedule “One of the biggest benefits of choosing Chefgood to help maintain a healthy lifestyle is the variety of dietary requirements they include in their meal plans.”
Health Returning to exercise postpartum: Supporting women’s physical activity after the birth of a child When asked about postpartum exercise, women were curious about strategies and recommendations for physical activity after the birth of a child, including finding the time, energy and motivation.
News & Views Do I or my child need a Japanese encephalitis vaccine? Until now, access to the vaccines has been limited. But that’s expected to change.
Health In Victoria, women’s health is deteriorating. We need more than small change funding to fix it New research shows a drastic deterioration of wellbeing of Victorian women over the last two years, with over a third now diagnosed with depression and anxiety.
Health As a surgical trainee, I’m concerned elective surgery restrictions are compromising our training Surgical trainees have had significant shortage in accessing training, due to the government’s restriction on elective surgery.
News & Views Want a better deal for children, parents & women? #ParentsUp is the campaign for you In 2022 let’s demand expanded paid parental leave & universal access to early childhood education & care. Join #ParentsUp for a better deal.