News & Views How to embrace fitness when being unhealthy is a core part of your ‘identity’ Former slacker turned cardio convert, Alley Pascoe, shares her first-hand wisdom for exercising when you’ve never done so before.
News & Views Superannuation introduces paid menstrual and menopause leave Melbourne-based Superannuation fund Future Super has introduced paid menstrual and menopause leave for its employees
Advice Mel Hetherington on her fight to have Aussie children enjoy food with less sugar Mel Heatherington wants to make some healthy changes for her children, so she started a food company that reduces sugar intake
Business Why more Australian women are looking local to get healthy Yo Life is Australia’s first online marketplace for local and independent brands that are passionate about health, fitness and wellness.
News & Views Yeh, nah, maybe. When it comes to accepting the COVID vaccine, it’s Australia’s fence-sitters we should pay attention to In Australia, women, particularly those of childbearing age, were more likely to be unsure about getting a COVID-19 vaccine.
Uncategorised Why hypertension symptoms in women are often mistaken for menopause Women who experience complications during pregnancy and early menopause can increase women’s future risk of heart disease.
News & Views Christmas is a special time on the maternity ward. But it’s not all tinsel and mince pies This is what you can expect if you’re on the maternity ward this Christmas seasons, writes Hannah Dahlen, from Western Sydney University.
News & Views ‘Never forget what this feels like’: The memories which have kept Fiona O’Loughlin sober In her memoir, O’Loughlin opens up about her lifelong battle with alcoholism; a disease which nearly killed her on more than one occasion.
Women's Health News Vaccines alone won’t keep Australia safe in 2021. Here’s what else we need to do A new review says managing the pandemic into 2021 will mean persisting with the measures that have made Australia’s response successful so far.
News & Views Women’s sleep more disordered than men according to new study A new study published this week in Nature Human Behaviour revealed that women suffer sleeping problems more frequently than men.
News & Views The long-term value of teaching our kids good nutrition Teaching our kids about good nutrition when they are young and impressionable, and leading by example, has long-term value.
News & Views Australia has one of the highest rates of bowel cancer in the world. Here are 5 women’s stories We ask five women that have been diagnosed with bowel cancer what their experience has been like and what their hopes for the future are.