News & Views This International Women’s Day, let’s challenge stubborn social norms While stubborn social norms certainly affect women, they also affect men by limiting those men who want to take on caring roles.
News & Views Should we rename International Women’s Day to International Do-More-Work-For-Free Day? The irony of International Women’s Day becoming a peak opportunity to extract yet more free labour from women breathtaking.
News & Views Government delivering “outcomes” for women? Not so much. Remember when the PM decalring,“we want to see women rise…we don’t want to see women rise only on the basis of others doing worse?” This IWD it’s outcomes
News & Views 50,000 women are murdered by partners and family members globally. Laws are a message to women that they matter Every year, 50,000 women die at the hands of someone they know, possibly trust, and probably love or have loved, writes Bettina Baldeschi.
News & Views ‘Why I worry we won’t get the change we need’: A reality check on IWD On IWD 2019 Rob Sturrock reflects on whether we can achieve the change needed to dismantle the patriarchy. There is hope but the task is big.
News & Views Confession: I (still) hate International Women’s Day Women don’t need a pedestal for a single day, they need equality. Every day. Which is why I still hate International Women’s Day.
News & Views Don’t wait on a calendar date to celebrate women or promote ‘women’s issues’ We don’t need a date like International Women’s Day to feature, promote and celebrate women. We can do that all year round.
Business Events to check out this International Women’s Day 2019 International Women’s Day is just around the corner. We’ve hand picked some great events happening around Australia for you to check out.
News & Views Speakers, organisers & attendees: Here’s how to make IWD events more diverse IWD events can start to look a little familiar. The venues may get fancier to attract corporate sponsors, but the line-ups are too often far from diverse.