Advice The five biases that drive our decision-making As leaders we like to believe we ‘make’ decisions and that they’re rational.
Ed's Blog Time will not solve the ASX gender gap When the numbers are so low to begin with, it’s easy for progress on women in leadership to take a significant turn for the worse with just a couple of resignations.
Advice The art of being a leader: What is your leadership ideal? You’ve heard the term ‘a born leader’? Whilst leadership skills can be innate, there are skills and attributes that can be learnt and developed.
News & Views Why are we not working remotely? Leaders need to step up Minister Stephen Conroy frequently reiterates that the NBN’s implementation can double the level of teleworking (or ‘anywhere working’) for Australian workers, while also boosting GDP and creating the equivalent of an additional 25,000 full-time jobs; 20% of those in regional Australia.
News & Views Fall of first female PM explains how leaders judged through gender lens Accounts in the media over the past week explain, or rather rationalise, the downfall of our first female Prime Minister.
News & Views Dr Helen Szoke appointed Oxfam chief executive Just 16 months into her five-year tenure as our first ever full-time Race Discrimination Commissioner, Dr Helen Szoke has announced she’s leaving the post in order to take up the role of Chief Executive with Oxfam.
Advice The top 16 competencies of great leaders (and how women lead the way) I met a man recently who offered me great hope for future female leadership.
Advice The power of strong female leadership Almost six years ago I found myself part of a leadership team that was equal parts male and female.
Advice Why it’s rewarding to share your knowledge and experience with our future female leaders There have been many satisfying moments in my career.