Climate Agriculture can play a starring role in a net-zero-emissions Australia Despite what Michael McCormack would have you believe, there are big opportunities for agriculture in a net-zero-emissions future
Politics Michael McCormack’s response to Capitol Hill riots proves his inadequacy in leadership The ignorant and damaging bile spouted by the Acting Prime Minister, Michael McCormack proves he’s ill-equipped to lead.
News & Views Barnaby Joyce comeback would be ‘catastrophic’ say prominent rural women Regional women’s groups are not happy with Joyce’s play for the top job, after he stood aside from the job two years ago, confirming he’d had an extra-marital affair.
News & Views The Nationals have had more scandals this year than they have actual women Between Andrew Broad, Barnaby Joyce and Barry O’Sullivan’s staffer who has been put on indefinite leave, the Nationals have had more scandals than women.