Business AMP Foundation awards $1m grants to First Australians Capital and Global Sisters Marking their 30th anniversary, AMP Foundation awards two $1 million grants to First Australians Capital and Global Sisters.
Leadership Know your why and tap your self belief: An award-winning leader on making change Antoinette Lattouf shares more on her anti-racism guide, ‘How to Lose Friends and Influence White People’, and making space for diversity.
Entrepreneurs Saba Abraham’s Eritrean restaurant has helped 200 refugee & migrant women into work We meet social entrepreneur Saba Abraham, owner of Mu’ooz, a not-for-profit restaurant in Brisbane specialising in Eritrean cuisine.
News & Views Purpose, problem-solving & passion: How to lead with Dr Raji Ambikairajah Electrical engineer Dr Raji Ambikairajah is the latest guest on The Leadership Lessons, a Women’s Agenda podcast supported by Salesforce.
Advice Not-for-profit boards not always a career maker, warn director women The boards of not-for-profit organisations are often regarded as a training ground for those wishing to be commercial company directors.