News & Views Confused about nuclear energy? The fossil fuel industry is trying to mislead women An advertising campaign targeting women ahead of the federal election is promoting misleading information about nuclear energy.
podcasts What are nukebros? And standing up on social media Why is there a massive gender divide in support for nuclear energy in Australia? Jane Gardner has a few ideas.
News & Views Experts raise concerns as Peter Dutton unveils costings of nuclear plan The Coalition’s plan for nuclear power would cost more than $300 billion over 25 years, Peter Dutton said on Friday.
Ed's Blog Coalition talks ‘hope’ while outlining plan for building seven nuclear reactors The plan outlined the seven sites and an optimisitc timeline for getting the first reactor online by 2035. No costings have been shared.
News & Views The rise of female nuclear engineers There was a time when no one would have thought women would dominate in the field of nuclear engineering.