Soapbox ‘A gradual journey’: The healthy habits I learned after pregnancy and breastfeeding Vicky Brinks shares her experience with pregnancy and breastfeeding related-weight gain and how she plans to maintain her healthy habits.
News & Views 2024 is the year to make mothers a priority in Australia Mothers deserve to be seen, heard, and prioritised. It’s our collective responsibility to create a society where maternal health is a genuine priority.
Women's Health News Nearly half of postpartum women aren’t adequately screened for heart disease and diabetes: New research Postpartum women with diagnosed gestational diabetes are not getting screened, despite heightened risk of heart disease and diabetes.
Women's Health News What I wish I knew about postpartum incontinence before giving birth After experiencing incontinence following the birth of her first child, Megan Anderson realised the common issue must be discussed more.
Women's Health News First pill to treat postpartum depression approved by the FDA The FDA has approved the first pill to treat postpartum depression (PPD)– a major depressive episode that typically occurs after childbirth.
Health New mothers will suffer as GPs encouraged to reduce postpartum blood tests “It’s a cost-cutting exercise that will significantly affect women in early motherhood and I’m a prime example.”
Health Returning to exercise postpartum: Supporting women’s physical activity after the birth of a child When asked about postpartum exercise, women were curious about strategies and recommendations for physical activity after the birth of a child, including finding the time, energy and motivation.