Employers When men believe they are allies, women often disagree When it comes to workplace allyship, men often believe they are better allies than their female co-workers do.
News & Views ‘I would not be respected’: The male-dominated construction sector must engage with young women Construction is one of Australia’s fastest growing industries and offers higher than average wages. It is also Australia’s most male dominated industry.
News & Views Surprise, surprise: The Melbourne Club vote to prohibit female membership after 142 years The men-only Melbourne Club will not be changing its rule anytime soon to allow women in as members, even after 142 years.
Business Are you the sucker lugged with office housework? Chances are you’re female and it’s hurting your career A new study conducted by the Harvard Business Review shows that women are getting duped in a major way when it comes to office housework.
News & Views Erin Brockovich: ‘Women are sick of being repressed. We will be heard. We will hold people to account.’ Erin Brockovich is an Ambassador for Shine Lawyers.
News & Views New survey shows sexual harassment is rife, complaints are ignored & women fear for their jobs A new survey on workplace sexual harassment found that almost 75 percent of women who complained to their employer were not satisfied with the outcome.
News & Views Harassed, abused, assaulted at work? We all have stories & it’s time they’re told The National Inquiry into Sexual Harassment at Work is now taking submissions. We all have stories and this is our chance to tell them.
Ed's Blog More than a hashtag: Why Nike’s exodus of badly-behaved executives is so significant A group of women at Nike were fed up with the toxic culture and their revolt prompted Nike’s exodus of badly-behaved executives
Advice How I respond to sexist attitudes How to respond to sexism at work and propel yourself forward. Lawyer Michelle Chadburn encounters sexist attitudes often & this is her response.
News & Views What happens when a man & a woman swap email signatures? ‘It sucks’. When a man & a woman swap email signatures for two weeks? Martin R. Schneider @SchneidRemarks & Nicole Hallberg @NickyKnacks discovered it sucks.
News & Views Mad Men working style: Why we’re still failing to harness female talent Labor may have “ditched the witch”, but does the ejection of Julia Gillard from her seat of power close the book on the debate about sexism that she championed and the role of women in leadership? Our first female prime minister is gone, but the feminist challenges she raised, and the battles she fought, are far from forgotten.
News & Views Nicola Roxon: There’s a ‘dangerous underbelly’ compromising women in Australia Our first female attorney-general Nicola Roxon delivered her valedictorian speech to Parliament on Tuesday, thanking those who’ve helped her manage her political career, particularly when she was a new mother, and cautioning against sexism and the degrading treatment of women at work.