News & Views Syria’s new government is already oppressing women, posing a dire threat to their future As the international community celebrates the fall of Syria’s Assad regime, the future of women’s rights remains precarious.
News & Views Extraordinary footage emerges of women leaving prisons in Syria Footage has emerged from Syria, purportedly showing rebel fighters freeing many women from their prison cells.
News & Views Who is Asma al-Assad, the first lady who stood beside Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad? We take a look at the woman who has stood by Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad’s side, “First Lady of Hell”, Asma al-Assad.
World Aisha is an MSF midwife supervisor from Azaz in northern Syria In Idlib governorate, MSF is running 4 mobile clinics in reception centers offering general consultations, dressing, reproductive health services, and mental health consultations, to people affected by the earthquakes.
Soapbox Why these humanitarian crises matter to Australians in 2023 Along with Ukraine, there are five growing humanitarian hotspots elsewhere that show Australia needs to increase its own refugee intake.
News & Views Young people, especially girls, are always hit hardest in disasters and emergencies- Australia must step up The power of education during crises for girls, cannot be underestimated. Plan International is calling on the Australian gov. to help.
News & Views Women from Türkiye speak about the devastation of earthquakes Women from Türkiye who are now based in Australia speak to us about the horror and sense of helplessness in the weeks after the earthquake.
Health rights and gender-based violence Women and girls face more risk, more danger, after earthquake in Türkiye and Syria For women and girls in Türkiye and Syria, the consequences they face is materially harder and more dangerous after Monday’s earthquake.
News & Views Government to repatriate Australian women and children from Syrian camps The Australian government is preparing a mission to repatriate about 20 Australian women and 40 children from Syrian detention camps.
World Janine Allis: How small economic opportunities bring hope to women and their families “If we all helped one refugee woman, it would make an incredible difference,” writes Founder of Boost Juice, Janine Allis.
World Our response to Ukraine should be the blueprint for all humanitarian crises Let us make the response to the Ukraine crisis the standard for all responses, and ensure people with hopes, fears and dreams can fulfil them.
News & Views The futility of ‘International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict’ June 19 was the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict. The world’s media remained largely silent about the anniversary.