Soapbox Colonisation is still costing Aboriginal people, a Voice would help politicians understand this Exploring the ongoing costs of colonisation and the importance of a voice for Aboriginal people.
Local Does a Voice matter? The Sámi people in Norway give Karla Grant answers Proud Indigenous journalist Karla Grant shares her insights after traveling to Norway to see how the Sámi Voice to Parliament works
Politics ‘No’ voters aren’t proud of their decision. It’s why most of them stay silent. Why aren’t we seeing ‘No’ campaigners out in the streets, brochures in hand, gently persuading those around them to follow suit?
News & Views #WalkForYes rallies draw thousands of supporters in Australia and overseas Tens of thousands of people gathered in Australia’s capital cities in #WalkForYes rallies supporting the Indigenous Voice to Parliament.
News & Views Faux outrage at Marcia Langton? Really? All the times the No campaign has deliberately employed racism Between all the mock outrage, no one seems willing to point out the glaring truth: Racism has been employed by the No campaign for months.
News & Views Marcia Langton hits back at ‘deliberate’ and ‘racist’ No campaign tactics in referendum debate Indigenous academic and advocate Marcia Langton condemned the No campaign’s “deliberate” and “racist” tactics to diminish her.
News & Views Peter Dutton is prepared to sink to unknown depths for a crumb of political sway Peter Dutton showed exactly how low he’s capable of going this week, when he sought to “undermine” faith in Australia’s electoral system.
Soapbox Jessica Rudd: Kids have much to teach on the significance of the referendum Exploring the Voice referendum through children’s eyes, gaining insights on vital discussions for Australia’s future
News & Views ‘I can’t be silent anymore’: The role of young voters in the Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum Young voices have been critically lacking in the Voice to Parliament debate, but they’re getting louder as it draws closer.
Local Former Liberal deputy leader Julie Bishop calls for Australians to support the Voice Former Liberal deputy leader Julie Bishop has called for Australians to support the Indigenous voice to parliament.
Screen NITV’s Referendum Road Trip to expose First Nations opinions For Mudburra and Wagadagam woman, Natalie Ahmat, this year’s referendum on the Voice to Parliament will be one of the biggest events for Indigenous affairs in Australia.
News & Views A “no” vote in the Voice referendum would put a serious dent in Australia’s image abroad We are so far down this referendum road that not to reach the destination would have very wide fallout, writes Michelle Grattan.