Books Why Tracey Spicer ditched being the “good girl”. Why Tracey Spicer ditched being the “good girl” and started speaking up. In her book The Good Girl Stripped Bare Spicer outlines her 30 years in media.
News & Views Yassmin Abdel-Magied is in The Daily Telegraph’s firing line. Again. Yassmin Abdel-Magied is back in The Daily Telegraph’s firing line for an Anzac Day post reminding us of the suffering of those in Syria, Manus & Nauru.
Ed's Blog Lisa Wilkinson wears the same top on TV two days in a row. The Daily Mail mocked her as thrifty so breakfast TV host Lisa Wilkinson wears the same top two days in a row on The Today Show.
Ed's Blog What do Talitha Cummins, Katie ‘Monty’ Dimond & Tracey Spicer have in common? This. And it’s shameful. Talitha Cummins, Tracey Spicer and Monty faced pregnancy discrimination. Kate Dimond lost her job a few weeks after telling her bosses she was pregnant.
News & Views ‘Why I said nothing when a well-known man exposed himself to me at a work function.’ In her book Breaking the Mould, journalist Angela Pippos writes about the time a well known man exposed himself to her and explains why she said nothing.
Ed's Blog The hypocrisy of those seeking to silence Yassmin Abdel-Magied. The hypocrisy of seeking to silence Yassmin Abdel-Magied is galling. After an exchange with Jacquie Lambie on Q&A she’s become a lightning rod for abuse.
News & Views Vale Anne Deveson, author, broadcaster & trailblazer, who has died at age 86. Australian author, broadcaster and film-maker Anne Deveson AO has died at age 86.
News & Views Reporting on violence against women not up to par A journalist and friend once said to me, “everyone thinks they’ve been badly represented by the media”.
Advice Five female role models to name and acclaim Today Show co-host Lisa Wilkinson made a point of informing her Andrew Olle Lecture audience that she was only the second woman in 16 years to be invited to make that prestigious speech.
Advice Put your hand up if you are a ‘fresh, strong woman’ Last Wednesday I was contacted by a producer for ABC’s Q&A.
Ed's Blog It’s time to build a girls club to rival the boys club in media It was a celebration but it was also a call to action.
News & Views Lisa Wilkinson presents Andrew Olle lecture On Friday evening television journalist Lisa Wilkinson gave the annual Andrew Olle lecture.