News & Views I’m married to a ‘unicorn husband’ and some people can’t cope Neela Janakiramanan is a surgeon with a unicorn husband doing more than his fair share of the unpaid work so she can pursue her career. Others don’t get it.
News & Views We’ve been having the wrong conversation about childcare changes The childcare changes have sparked debate about whether or not women can afford to work. Dr Neela Janakiramanan writes that’s the wrong conversation.
News & Views How persistent and respectful advocacy is getting this doctor heard on climate change How do you get people to listen on climate change? Dr Kim Loo embraces everyone regardless of their views, and has been getting plenty of attention.
Soapbox Dr Nikki Stamp: These are the small actions we can take every day to push for change International Women’s Day in 2018 had a theme, to #PressforProgress. Dr Nikki Stamp examines what this means in terms of making change every day.
Ed's Blog The magazine cover women surgeons around the world are recreating. The magazine cover women surgeons around the world are recreating: the New Yorker’s Operating Theatre has taken a life of its own. #NYerORCoverChallenge