News & Views It’s time to give (and take) credit where credit is due Women are less likely to get credit from their peers or to take credit than their male counterparts. Are we giving credit where it is due?
News & Views Jess Davis experienced horrific sexism at uni. Support from women in tech changed everything Jess Davis overcame sexism in STEM, finding support from women in tech, and now thrives as an AI engineer.
News & Views Dr Cathy Foley wins major award for excellence in women’s leadership Former Chief Scientist Dr Cathy Foley has been named as the national recipient of the Australian Awards for Excellence in Women’s Leadership.
News & Views Billionaire Robin Khuda donates $100m to support women in STEM at the University of Sydney In an effort to drive young women into studying STEM, a billionaire has donated $100m to the University of Sydney.
News & Views Less than 20 per cent of Wikipedia bios are on women. These Wikipedians want to change that. As Franklin Women’s founder and director Melina Georgousakis described it, the Wikipedia Edit-A-Thon is writing the history of the future.
News & Views The Office of the Women in STEM Ambassador is closing. So where should government funding for STEM go? With the Women in STEM Ambassador Initiative coming to an end today, these funding gaps need government attention now more than ever.
News & Views ‘Goodbye and au revoir’: Australian government ends Women in STEM Ambassador initiative The Australian government is ending the Women in STEM Ambassador initiative after almost six years of operation, a move that has been described as “another blow” for advocates.
Business ‘Stop feeding the ‘tech-bro’ reputation’: Five ways to improve female representation in your tech company Although the number of women in STEM-qualified occupations in Australia has increased over the past decade, only 15 per cent of STEM-qualified jobs are held by women.
News & Views Social media’s ‘feedback loop’ is a barrier for girls pursuing a career in STEM: UNESCO report Negative gender stereotypes on social media pushes girls into a “feedback loop” that keeps them from accessing careers in STEM, a UNESCO report has found.
News & Views ‘Straight to the pool room’: Meet Katherine Bennell-Pegg, Australia’s first qualified astronaut Australia’s first ever female astronaut, Katherine Bennell-Pegg, has graduated from the European Space Agency (ESA) training program.
Business ‘Valuable stepping stone’: An upcoming STEM careers fair is opening doors for women This upcoming STEM careers fair is opening professional opportunities for women from all backgrounds, education levels and career stages.
News & Views Our astrophysics lab reached 50% women in 5 years. Here’s how we did it With an evidence-based strategy and careful evaluation, gender parity in science is achievable.