Jugglehood 6 strategies to juggle work and young kids at home: it’s about flexibility and boundaries Here are 6 strategies to find an effective balance juggling work with with other domestic duties during these precarious times.
News & Views I’m married to a ‘unicorn husband’ and some people can’t cope Neela Janakiramanan is a surgeon with a unicorn husband doing more than his fair share of the unpaid work so she can pursue her career. Others don’t get it.
Advice How to stay in control of your inbox Virgin chief John Borghetti gets around 400 to 500 emails a day.
News & Views Why are we not working remotely? Leaders need to step up Minister Stephen Conroy frequently reiterates that the NBN’s implementation can double the level of teleworking (or ‘anywhere working’) for Australian workers, while also boosting GDP and creating the equivalent of an additional 25,000 full-time jobs; 20% of those in regional Australia.
Ed's Blog Career planning: Does it help to have kids ‘young’? When thinking about starting a family in line with managing a career, it’s easy to believe the optimal thing to do is to get on the path to leadership before giving the family a go.