'Sexist, out of place act': Jenni Hermoso issues powerful statement

‘Sexist, out of place act’: Jenni Hermoso issues powerful statement. And federation threatens to sue

Jenni Hermoso

Spanish midfielder Jenni Hermoso declared today she felt “vulnerable” and like the “victim of an aggression” in a statement in response to being publicly kissed by Spain’s football federation president Luis Rubiales following the team’s victory in the FIFA Women’s World Cup on Sunday.

Hermoso also said in the statement that, “at no time did I consent to the kiss”, and that “I won’t tolerate having my word doubted, much less have people investing things I didn’t say.”

The statement highlights the difficulties and pressure she’s faced over the past few days, in what should have been an opportunity to celebrate the greatest victory of her career.

“The situation caused me a shock due to the context of the celebration, and with the passage of time and after delving a little deeper into those first feelings, I feel the need to denounce this fact since I consider that no person, in any area work, sports or social should be a victim of this type of non-consensual behaviour.

“I felt vulnerable and the victim of aggression, an impulsive, sexist, out of place act and without any kind of consent on my part. I just wasn’t respected. I was asked to make a joint statement to take the pressure off the president, but at that moment in my head I only had the idea of enjoying the historic milestone reached together with my teammates.

She also shared that, “we do not deserve this manipulative, hostile, and controlling culture” and said she will not continune to play for the national team for as long as he is in charge.

And she said that she has been facing pressure to share a statement that supports Rubiales.

Now she faces legal action, with the Spanish Football federation threatening to sue over lying and defamation.


The federation is also threatening to sue another 79 female football players who signed a letter refusing to play for Spain, as long as Rubiales stayed in his position.

Hermoso’s statement comes in response to Rubiales lifting her and kissing her on the lips — without consent — as her team celebrated their victory in the FIFA Women’s World Cup. Hundreds of millions of people witnessed the moment live on television. Hermoso later shared on social media, “I did not enjoy that.”

The federation also told the players who signed the letter that, “playing for the national team is an obligation on any member of the federation called upon to do so”.

Rubiales had been expected to resign on Thursday, but during the press conference he took a different move, stating that he felt like a victim of “fake feminism” and stating “I’m not going to resign”. He was then applauded by a number of men in the room.

Hermoso’s full statement read:

“After achieving one of the most desired successes of my sports career and after a few days of reflection, I want to wholeheartedly thank my teammates, fans, followers, the media and all of you who have made this dream come true; Your work and unconditional support have been a fundamental part of winning the World Cup.

“In reference to what happened today. Although it is true that for my part I do not want to interfere with the multiple legal processes in progress, I feel compelled to denounce that the words of Mr. Luis Rubiales explaining the unfortunate incident are categorically false and part of the manipulative culture that he himself has generated.

“I clarify that at no time did the conversation to which Mr. Luis Rubiales referred to take place and that, far from it, his kiss was consented. In the same way I want to reiterate as I did at the time that this fact had not been to my liking.

“The situation caused me a shock due to the context of the celebration, and with the passage of time and after delving a little deeper into those first feelings, I feel the need to denounce this fact since I consider that no person, in any area work, sports or social should be a victim of this type of non-consensual behaviour.

“I felt vulnerable and the victim of aggression, an impulsive, sexist, out of place act and without any kind of consent on my part. I just wasn’t respected. I was asked to make a joint statement to take the pressure off the president, but at that moment in my head I only had the idea of enjoying the historic milestone reached together with my teammates.

“For this reason, at all times I informed the RFEF and its different interlocutors, as well as the media and people I trust that I would not make any type of individual or joint statement on this matter, since I understood that, if I did, I would still remove more prominence to such a special moment for my colleagues and me.

“Despite my decision, I have to state that I have been under continuous pressure to come up with a statement that could justify the act of Mr. Luis Rubiales. Not only that, but in different ways and through different people, the RFEF has pressured my environment (family, friends, colleagues, etc.) to give testimony that had little or nothing to do with my feelings.

“It is not up to me to evaluate communication and integrity practices, but I am sure that as the World Champion National Team we do not deserve such a manipulative, hostile and controlling culture. This type of incident joins a long list of situations that we players have been denouncing in recent years, so this fact, in which I have been involved, is just the straw that breaks the camel’s back and what everyone has been able to see, but attitudes like this have been part of the day-to-day life of our team for years.

“For all these reasons, I want to reinforce the position I took from the beginning, considering that I do not have to support the person who has committed this action against my will, without respecting me, at a historic moment for me and for women’s sport. from this country.

“In no case can it be my responsibility to assume the consequences of transmitting something in which I do not believe, which is why I have refused the pressures received. ZERO TOLERANCE with these behaviors. I want to close by making it very clear that although I am the one expressing these words, it is all the players in Spain and the world who have given me the strength to come out with this statement.

“Faced with such a show of disrespect and inability to recognise one’s own mistakes and assume the consequences, I have made the decision not to play for the National Team again as long as the current leaders continue. Thank you all for the messages of support and words of encouragement received. I know I am not alone and thanks to all of you we will get ahead more united. I leave this issue to the people I trust TMJ and FUTPRO and they will continue working on the next steps based on recent events.”


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