Events to check out this International Women's Day 2020

Events to check out this International Women’s Day 2020

International Women's Day
International Women’s Day is almost here, meaning there are plenty of events available to celebrate the achievements of women with colleagues and friends, and get thinking about what more can be done to advance women’s equality in Australia and around the world.

If you’re looking for some options, we’ve put together a snippet of some of the key events happening in capital cities across Australia.

This year’s theme is #EachforEqual, calling on a collective effort to help create a gender equal world.

Check out the below for some inspiration.

International Women’s Day 2020: Courageous Conversations

When: Tuesday March 10, 7:30am to 10:30am

Where: The Ivy Ballroom, Sydney

In the mood for some courageous conversations? Head to this International Women’s Day event and hear keynote speaker Johanna Griggs while enjoying a gourmet breakfast. Every attendee will receive an $150 voucher to spend at a marketplace featuring amazing female-led businesses. It’s the perfect opportunity to network with like-minded professionals, while supporting a good cause.

All profits from the event fund the administration and operations of charity Hands Across the Water, giving over 350 disadvantaged kids in Thailand a life of choice; not chance.

More information here.

UP FOR DEBATE: “The world won’t listen unless women shout”

When: Friday March 6, 12:00pm to 2:30pm

Where: Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne

For the 23rd year, the Institute of Managers and Leaders is hosting the International Women’s Day Great Debate. This year, they have proposed the idea for the debate: The world won’t listen unless women shout.

The debate honours the history of “shouting” women that has paved the way for the new generation of female leaders. Some of Australia’s most prominent leaders, personalities and experts will be there, don’t miss it.

More information here.

IWD Sydney Fundraising Breakfast (UN Women)

When: Friday March 6, 7:00am to 9:00am

Where: Level 5 Grand Ballroom, International Convention Centre, Sydney

Spend International Women’s Day celebrating the economic, political and social achievement of women with UN Women Australia. With MC Janice Peterson and speakers Sonali Hedditch, Luz Restrepo and Wendy Yarnold, take the opportunity to unite and network with other women, while mobilising funds to foster meaningful change into the future.

More information here.

Adelaide International Women’s Day Breakfast

When: Friday March 6

Where: Adelaide Convention Centre

Supporting UN Women Australia, this breakfast is the largest annual women’s event in the Adelaide calendar. With Senator the Hon Penny Wong hosting the breakfast and Elizabeth Broderick AO featuring as a guest speaker, it is guaranteed to be an enlightening event.

Last year, the event attracted 2,500 guests and raised a massive $60,000. Let’s raise the bar in 2020.

More information here.

International Women’s Day with The Remarkable Woman

Hosted by CEO and Founder of The Remarkable Woman Shivani Gopal and Founding Editor of Women’s Agenda Angela Priestley, this event will give you the chance to hear the incredible stories of Turia Pitt, Amna Karra-Hassan and Jessica Rowe. They’ll each bring something different to the table in a panel session you’ll want to catch.


Celebrate International Women’s Day in style, over a fully-plated breakfast and enjoy networking with like-minded individuals.

More information here.

AHRI International Breakfast Series, with Annabel Crabb

Sydney: 9th March
Melbourne: 10th March
Canberra: 11th March
Brisbane: 12th March

At this breakfast series by the Australia Human Resources Institute, journalist and author Annabel Crabb will bring her humorous commentary and insightful analysis of the Australian parental leave problem that she believes is keeping women from achieving gender parity.

More information here

Annabel Crabb Quarterly

International Women’s Day with Business Chicks

When: Friday March 6, 12:00pm – 2:30pm

Where: Crown Entertainment Complex, Southbank, VIC

Over lunch, you’ll hear from three women who have fundamentally changed the world we live in. Sam Bloom, Jane Caro and Fiori Giovanni will bring their strong and unique voices to the event, each sharing their ideas on how we can create a more equal society for women.

Bring your best friend, mum, daughter, sister or team along.

More information here.

Perth Powers Up to Empower Women of Perth

When: March 7 2019

Where: Perth, Australia

With a multi-venue format, this International Women’s Day event is not one you want to miss. Three iconic Perth locations, Optus Stadium, Elizabeth Quay and the Bell tower will be lit up in a bright and bold red to mark support for Dress for Success Perth and their Empower Hour. It’s a celebration of the essential work done by Dress Success in helping to empower women to become financially independent.

More information here.

AusIMM’s International Women’s Day Event Series – Perth

When: Friday March 6, 12:00pm to 3:00 pm

Where: Optus Stadium, Burswood, WA

Hosted by The Hon Julie Bishop, this Perth event aims to accelerate the discussion of gender-balance in the resources sector. The event will bring together mining executives, industry leaders, technical and business professionals, government and media.

More information here.

Change Our Game International Women’s Day – Melbourne

When: Friday March 6, 9:30am to 12:00 pm

Where: Deakin Edge at Federation Square, Melbourne

Just two days before the landmark ICC Women’s T20 World Cup final, this special event is not one to miss out on. Headlined by social justice icon and tennis legend Billie Jean King, this event will discuss the important tole community sport plays in levelling the playing field for women and girls.

Designed to provide practical solutions to common barriers for community clubs, presentations will be tailored for those working and volunteering in community sport and recreation clubs, local government and state sporting bodies.

You’ll also hear from a number of other high profile speakers including Sally Capp and Peggy O’Neal.

More information here.

The 2020 State and Local Government and Community Sectors International Women’s Day Luncheon

When: Friday 6 March, 12:00pm to 2:00pm

Where: Blundstone Area – The Ricky Ponting Room, Bellerive, TAS

In Tasmania? This might be the event for you. The luncheon will host the Tasplan International Women’s Day Awards for Excellence 2020, recognising the outstanding contributions of women in local government, the Tasmanian state service and the community sector. Hosted by Trisha Squires, CEO of AFL Tasmania, founder of the Broadbridge Fund and 2019 Tasmanian Telstra Business Woman of the year. Trisha is an impressive woman and she has a moving story to share that will inspire all who attend.

More information here.

International Women’s Day Breakfast with Australian Institute of Architects

When: Friday, March 6, 7.30am -10am

Where: Lower Town Hall, Druitt Street, Sydney

It’s an historic time for women in architecture and city making; for the first time in NSW we have a female Government Architect and membership and regulatory bodies are led by women.

Featuring a keynote address from the newly appointed Government Architect NSW Abbie Galvin, the even will also include a discussion led by a panel of eminent previous winners of the Marion Mahony Griffin Prize for women in architecture.

More information here.

FitT International Women’s Day luncheons 

Where: Sydney Friday 6th March AND Melbourne, Friday 13th March

This year’s IWD event by FitT aim to celebrate the day, while also sharing information to broaden our hearths and minds about modern slavery.

In Sydney, guests will hear from Dr Belinda Ramirez, a passionate advocate for action to end human trafficking in the Philippines, along with a panel sharing diverse perspectives on how to bring your authentic self to work.

In Melbourne, guests will hear from Cecilia Oebanda; an internationally acclaimed Freedom fighter and founder and CEO of Voice of the Free, a Philippines based NGO tackling modern slavery. Followed by a panel session.

More information here.

International Women’s Day Brunch with the Country Women’s Association

When: Sunday March 8, 10.30am to 12.30pm

Where: Sydney Masonic Centre, 66 Goulburn Street, Sydney

Looking for a memorable way to spend International Women’s day? This brunch, hosted by the Country Women’s Association, could be the event for you. Raising much needed funds for disaster relief in NSW and supporting women in rural and remote NSW, it will feature speaker and rule-breaker Lucy Bloom, who will challenge and entertain you in equal measure.

The Country Women’s Association is the largest women’s organisation in NSW and works everyday to improve conditions for country women and children.

Tickets are available here.


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