Matildas to receive pay boost and equal treatment under new CBA

Matildas to receive pay boost and equal treatment under new CBA


The Matildas have secured a new pay deal that could see the team’s top players earning up to $200,000 in addition to tournament prize money and their club salaries. 

The deal is part of a new collective bargaining agreement that brings the Matildas’ pay and conditions in line with their male counterparts in the Socceroos. It also has a new structure that will see 70 per cent of player payments in match fees and 30 per cent in an annual commercial payment. 

Female players will now earn between $120,00 and $200,000 and will move away from the previous three-tier centralised contracts. The top women’s players could see a pay increase of  up to $80,000 under the four-year deal which incentivises players to promote the growth of the game.

James Johnson, CEO of Football Australia, said the collective bargaining agreement was a “sophisticated economic model” that rewarded players in line with the growth and commercial success of Australia’s two national teams. 

“It’s a model that ensures as we scale new heights commercially, our players will share in the fruits of these triumphs—a true testament to our shared goals and values,” Johnson said. 

“This agreement is more than a contract; it’s a commitment to progress and a promise that as our revenue base flourishes, so will the opportunities and rewards for our players, making them key contributors in our game’s prosperity.

“Our aim is clear: to continue growing the game of Australian football hand in hand with those who bring it to life on the pitch.”  

Under the agreement, the Matildas will get the same conditions and treatment as the Socceroos, including the option of single rooms at gatherings and business class flights. 

Accommodation for carers that are accompanying players who are parents will also be offered for those whose children are four years old (and under), up from the previous age limit of two years old.


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