News & Views Queen Bees still buzzing, but it’s time they stepped up for other women We all understand the concept of the workplace as a hive, particularly within big corporate firms and the public sector.
News & Views Protecting the female pipeline: 6 steps we must collectively take Unless we collaborate, the lack of female leaders now will drastically affect the pipeline of female leaders for tomorrow.
News & Views The leadership pipeline as it stands isn’t viable The gender pay gap in Australia is currently sitting at 18.
News & Views What corporate leaders can learn from the Australian Defence Force As at April 30 this year, only 20.
News & Views Colouring Outside the lines: saying goodbye to beige leadership What colour is your leadership style? Shades of beige, or a riot of ideation and colourful innovation? The time of beige leadership values and the self-propagating disaster that shadows them have an ever-shortening life span as innovation, business structure and cultural and societal changes evolve at an increasingly rapid speed.
News & Views Pushing back on corporate complacency and gender equity The numbers are pretty damning when you look at them; within the leadership structure of the ASX200 – the top 200 publicly listed companies in this country – 179 of those companies have a dual male leadership team, with men in both the CEO and Chair positions.
News & Views The glass ceiling or the sticky floor – what is the real issue affecting the advancement of women? If you’ve been a woman in business for any length of time, it can get to a point where the temptation to take the stilettos off, rub those sore feet and shove a pair of shabby old ugg boots on is overwhelming.