Screen TV House Husbands: Art imitating life The new TV series House Husbands was created by two writers who were intrigued by the increasing number of dads in their Sydney neighbourhoods during work hours.
Money Living on $35 a day: Inquiry hears it’s impossible It’s hard to imagine enjoying a rewarding career and the lifestyle that goes with it one minute and a short time down the track relying on Centrelink income to survive.
Jugglehood Work, kids and study: Seven successful juggling tips Kris Teece works fulltime in child protection, is a single mum to four children and is studying part-time for her Master of Criminology.
Jugglehood Women cutting back the hours to find time for the teenage years Women taking a break in their careers or going part-time to look after their babies or preschool-aged children seems to get a lot more attention and support from governments, the media and society in general.
Jugglehood Virtual addiction: Are your children at risk? The compulsive overuse of internet and video gaming is leading to a worrying number of young Australians presenting to health professionals with isolation and anxiety issues.
Money Living on $35 a day: Inquiry hears it’s impossible It’s hard to imagine enjoying a rewarding career and the lifestyle that goes with it one minute and a short time down the track relying on Centrelink income to survive.
Jugglehood Housework: Who’s got it tougher? Young Aussie blokes are pitching in with the housework to such an extent some feel cheated they are doing the lion’s share.
Health Stand up from your desks – it could save your life! Next time you are organising a meeting, take away the chairs.
Life TV House Husbands: Art imitating life The new TV series House Husbands was created by two writers who were intrigued by the increasing number of dads in their Sydney neighbourhoods during work hours.
Advice Kiss vs the handshake: the golden rule of business greetings Everyone judges a person by the quality of their handshake – a bone-crusher or a limp fish are big turnoffs.
Advice How Fiona Stanley AC mentored Nadia Badawi Professor Nadia Badawi credits her mentor, Professor Fiona Stanley as the inspiration behind her professional development and success.