Women Elect: 2022 Federal Election Guide


The 2022 Federal Election Guide

We’ve researched female candidates running for the House of Representatives for major and most minor parties, as well as independents, to track who is running for election in 2022.

We’re also following key policy areas our audience has said is critical to their vote.

This page is live and will be updated as we learn more.


Filter candidates by:

Ali France

Labor for Dickson

Alicia Payne

Labor for Canberra

Alison Byrnes

Labor for Cunningham

Amanda Hunt

Labor for Canning

Amanda Rishworth

Labor for Kingston

Anika Wells

Labor for Lilley

Anne Stanley

Labor for Werriwa

Bronwen English

Labor for Forrest

Carina Garland

Labor for Chisholm

Carole Hart

Labor for Mallee

Cassandra Fernando

Labor for Holt

Catherine King

Labor for Ballarat

Catherine Renshaw

Labor for North Sydney

Clare O’Neil

Labor for Holtham

Donisha Duff

Labor for Bowman

Dr Michelle Ananda-Rajah

Labor for Higgins

Dr. Anne Aly

Labor for Cowan

Elida Faith

Labor for Leichardt

Emma McBride

Labor for Dobell

Fiona Phillips

Labor for Gilmore

Ged Kearney

Labor for Cooper

Gen Allpass

Labor for Groom

Jannette Langley

Labor for Gippsland

Jessica O’Donnell

Labor for Monash

Joanne Ryan

Labor for Lalor

Judene Andrews

Labor for Fisher

Julie Collins

Labor for Franklin

Julie Watson

Labor for Grey

Justine Elliot

Labor for Richmond

Kate Thwaites

Labor for Jagajaga

Kristina Keneally

Labor for Fowler

Kristy McBain

Labor for Eden-Monaro

Laura Hughes

Labor for New England

Letitia Del Fabbro

Labor for Fadden

Libby Coker

Labor for Corangamite

Linda Burney

Labor for Barton

Lisa Chesters

Labor for Bendigo

Louise Miller-Frost

Labor for Boothby

Madeleine King

Labor for Brand

Madonna Jarrett

Labor for Brisbane

Maria Vamvakinou

Labor for Calwell

Marion Scrymgour

Labor for Lingiari

Marisa Bell

Labor for Mayo

Mary Doyle

Labor for Aston

Meryl Swanson

Labor for Paterson

Michelle Rowland

Labor for Greenway

Nadia David

Labor for Indi

Naomi Oakley

Labor for Menzies

Pam McCreadie

Labor for Wright

Paula Goodman

Labor for Mackellar

Peta Murphy

Labor for Dunkley

Rebecca Fanning

Labor for Longman

Sally Sitou

Labor for Reid

Shaneane Weldon

Labor for O'Connor

Sharon Claydon

Labor for Newcastle

Sonja Baram

Labor for Sturt

Sue Ferguson

Labor for Fairfax

Surbhi Snowball

Labor for Flinders

Susan Templeman

Labor for Macquarie

Tabatha Young

Labor for Bonner

Tania Lawrence

Labor for Hasluck

Tanya Plibersek

Labor for Sydney

Terri Butler

Labor for Griffith

Tracey Roberts

Labor for Pearce

Zaneta Mascarenhas

Labor for Swan


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