The 10 women YOU believe set the agenda in 2017

The 10 women YOU believe set the agenda in 2017

We asked you to wrap up the year 2017 and 950 of you responded. When asked to name up to three women who you believe helped shaped the year and set the 2017 agenda there was a lot of consistency in your answers.

The following ten names came up far more often than any others.

Tracey Spicer

She started the year as the MC for the Sydney Women’s March, published a best-selling memoir about ditching the allure of being the good girl and continued to campaign fiercely for women across the board. But Spicer’s decision to investigate serial sexual predators in the Australian media was a game changer. It resulted in an astonishing expose by Fairfax Media and ABC’s 7.30 and will keep the treatment of women front and centre.

Lisa Wilkinson

It was the job change that made headlines around the world and put the pay gap in the spotlight. Just months after celebrating 10 years at the helm of Channel Nine’s Today show Wilkinson announced she was switching to Channel 10, reportedly because she was unwilling to be paid less than her co-host.

Penny Wong

If there is a single enduring image from the glorious day Australia voted yes for marriage equality, it is the always implacable Penny Wong succumbing to the personal significance of equality and being embraced by her colleagues – on all sides.

Clementine Ford

Is there a writer who so consistently and fearlessly champions Australian women than Clementine Ford? The fact she does so with wit, searing insight and an armour of teflon is for the collective benefit of women everywhere.

Magda Szubanski

This longtime national treasure added another feather to her full cap this year, as the impossibly articulate, compassionate and clever voice for marriage equality. It shouldn’t have been required but there is no discounting the impact Magda had.

Gillian Triggs

Triggs was inducted into the Women’s Agenda Hall of Fame in October and the speech she delivered at the event confirmed her status as a fearless, funny woman who is not afraid to fight for what she believes in.

Yassmin Abdel-Magied

It is no small thing for a prodigious leader to part ways with her home and yet after months and months in the firing line Yassmin Abdel-Magied announced she was moving to London to escape the vitriol. Abdel-Magied is an engineer, an author and a presenter who is globally recognised for her achievements and impact.

Leigh Sales

Aside from the fact Sales grills politicians, company chiefs and community leaders every weeknight, she is the co-host of the podcast Chat 10 Looks 3 which hasn’t garnered a cult-like following for nothing. Books, baking and she can hold a decent tune.

Julie Bishop

There is no denying the unrest which has beleaguered the federal government in recent weeks, months and years, but there is also no point failing to recognise one minister who has steadfastly remained above the fray. The foreign minister Julie Bishop is a standout performer whose professionalism and intellect is clear.

Tanya Plibersek

As the deputy leader of the opposition and longtime champion of women, Tanya Plibersek remains a beacon of hope in the Australian political landscape. She is one of the most visible and consistent leaders in Canberra, for whom ‘women’s policies’ aren’t a fleeting distraction: they are central.

Other women who were mentioned over and over again.

The following women were also named by you as being agenda setters in 2017 and we couldn’t agree more.

Jane Caro
Rebel Wilson
Van Badham
Larissa Waters
Celeste Liddle
Kate Jenkins
Sally McManus
Pauline Hanson (Yep…)
Linda Burney
Jane Gilmore

These are women who can and will change the world. Here’s to more of that in 2018.


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