Surely, a fist fight between two men isn’t being used as an excuse to play on the well-known lyrics of an Italian love song to make a punny headline?
Nope my eyes didn’t deceive me. This really is real.
It’s not a prank. It’s the actual front page of a newspaper, The Daily Telegraph, and naturally features a huge photo of the woman who “caused” this punch up. Presumably this image is needed to explain why these men came to blows. Sometimes us women, simply by existing, compel the men in our vicinity to physically assault one another lest they feel their stronghold on us is slipping.
And how else to capture this light-hearted rage without using the light-hearted lyrics of an Italian love song?
Because if there’s one thing that spells love it is men being violent, jealous and possessive.
The version of masculinity that this light-hearted treatment celebrates is toxic. It contributes to a culture which treats women as chattels – owned and managed by men – and permits violence as a legitimate response.
There is nothing light-hearted about it and it certainly doesn’t need to be celebrated.