Here’s what you could be worth, as a man - Women's Agenda

Here’s what you could be worth, as a man

Australia’s gender pay gap has risen to 18.2%, according to the latest calculations from the Australian Bureau of Statistics and the Workplace Gender Equality Agency.

The figure is increasing and at its worst in 20 years. Ten years ago in 2004, it was actually 14.9%.

We’ve just updated our equal pay calculator to show you what you’d earn if you were a man, according to the revised gender pay gap.

So be a man, for a moment, and plug in your salary and take a look:

{module Gender pay calculator}

What would an extra 18.2% do for you?

Perhaps it would buy you a car, which Treasurer Joe Hockey last week claimed that if you’re already struggling you probably don’t own, or at least drive very far (he’s since apologised).

Perhaps it’d get you a regular cleaner for the week, somebody to take care of some of the domestic duties that still await more women than men when they arrive home from work.

Maybe it’d pay for the additional education – mentoring, coaching or even an extra degree – something you may believe you need in order to reach your career ambitions.

Or maybe it’d simply help with paying off the mortgage or topping up your superannuation, anything that could contribute to the savings you accumulate for retirement and ultimately prevent you from living your post-work years in poverty – which is where, as things are currently going, significantly more women than men are expected to end up.


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