Inspiration is not enough on International Women's Day - Women's Agenda

Inspiration is not enough on International Women’s Day

What change do you want to see for the women in our world?

Each March people gather around the world to celebrate women. We honour the remarkable women in our lives, the women we admire, the women we are thankful for and the women we want to become.

In Australia, International Women’s Day (officially March 8th) has become a month-long celebration with businesses, groups and charities hosting events to acknowledge, connect and inspire women. We meet over delicious breakfast spreads, gain valuable insights from keynote speakers and give generous donations to causes doing great things to support women local and globally. We walk away from International Women’s Day events feeling energised.

It’s all very inspiring.

But is inspiration enough to bring about the changes we really want to see for women?

The theme for International Women’s Day 2014 is ‘Inspiring Change’. This theme “encourages advocacy for women’s advancement everywhere in every way. It calls for challenging the status quo for women’s equality and vigilance inspiring positive change.”

Positive and lasting change.

It has a nice ring to it. So, how do we create change that is truly positive and lasting?

I discovered the answers to that big question on a volunteer program in Kenya last year. I was fortunate to provide a hand up alongside Maasai and Kipsigi mothers, school children and community leaders. The women, in particular, proudly led the way to positive and lasting change. It was very humbling to see first hand the difference they were making in their own lives and for their wider communities.

The lasting changes in their communities are thanks to Adopt a Village, a holistic community development model that addresses the root causes of poverty. The changes are also thanks to women like Mama Jane, who started out leading change in her own community with a group of 12 women. She now chairs a regional group of 582 women, uniting several communities and literally lifting each other out of poverty. Very, very inspiring.

Change is happening in rural Kenya through the actions of inspirational people like Mama Jane, not through inspiration alone.

There are some key messages in Mama Jane’s achievements that are just as relevant for Australians seeking change. Actioning these things will help you to achieve the change you want to make, whether you want to:
— lead a change for gender equality,
— make an organisational change,
— create a new personal habit, or
— get your family more involved in community initiatives.

Know why you want change
‘Why?’ is the shortest, yet most significant question you can answer when embarking on any change. Knowing why change matters to you and others will help you find a way to make it happen, despite the challenges you will inevitably face.

Collaborate as a team, family or community
A great African Proverb says: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”.

Effective change requires support from others. Engage with the people who will benefit from and be impacted by your change. Join forces with other people also who want to see this change happen.

Create a shared vision
Building on your reasons for change and the team you have so far, agree on a big picture goal. Believing strongly in a shared vision and being willing to work towards a shared goal will provide the focus you all need to take consistent action in the right direction.

Consider the journey, not just the destination
Aim for incremental steps that you and your team will actually stick to. Plan small, sustainable actions that are doable, as well as mini milestones that you can celebrate along the journey of change. You want your team to say: “it may be challenging at times, but it is worth it and I feel like we are making a difference”.

Just start
Do something. Make one small step towards positive and lasting change today.

For International Women’s Day 2014:
— As you gather with the women in your personal and professional circles this month, I encourage you to seek more than inspiration. Will you take their inspiration and do something, even one small thing?
— As you listen to a speaker share their story, listen also for a call to action. Will this year be the year that you act on that dose of inspiration?
— As you network with one another, talk about action. Perhaps share one change that you not only want to see for women, but a change that you will take action on – for the women in your team, your family or your communities.

Are you ready to take inspired action for positive change? Comment in the discussion below with a change or action that you want to be part of.


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