New national institute to help businesses prevent violence against women

New national institute to help businesses prevent violence against women

Our Watch Institute

A new national institute will provide tailored guidance and support to workplaces across Australia that are seeking to promote gender equality and prevent violence against women. 

The institute, a partnership between not-for-profit Our Watch and property group Goodman, has just launched with a dedicated mission to work with businesses to help end violence against women. 

Our Watch Institute said it recognises the significant role workplaces can play in creating a society that is free from gender-based violence, and promoting respect and equality for women. 

As highlighted by the institute, evidence consistently shows that violence against women is driven by disrespect and gender inequality. 

The institute will provide workplaces with expert advice, education, training, tools and support to help boost gender equality and respect for women. Director of the Our Watch Institute, Cara Gleeson, said more businesses were looking to address gender inequality in the workplace.

“Australian businesses are uniquely positioned to be part of the solution given the number of people they employ across Australia and the transformative role they can play in addressing social challenges and driving meaningful change,” Gleeson said. 

“The bold ambition of the Our Watch Institute is to partner with organisations of all types across Australia, starting with the business sector, who can have a significant impact on ending gender inequality and preventing violence against women.”

Gleeson said the Institute’s establishment follows growing interest from businesses who want to lead the change on this issue, noting that Our Watch has already worked with organisations including Goodman Group, Commonwealth Bank, and the Melbourne Storm rugby league club.

The Goodman Foundation has committed $1.7 million to date to support Our Watch’s work and become a Founding Partner of the Our Watch Institute. The institute plans to operate through a fee-for-service model.

The program support and commitment of $1.7 million to date by the Goodman Foundation as Founding Partner, has allowed Our Watch to meet the growing demand and take the next step to establish a dedicated national Institute. The Institute aims to be financially self-sufficient through its fee-for-service model.  

Greg Goodman, Group Chief Executive Officer, Goodman and Foundation Board Director, said the property group decided to partner with Our Watch to drive awareness and education to create gender equality in all areas of the community.   ‘

“We believe that workplaces have a key role to play in affecting much needed change, and we encourage other organisations to join us in this important challenge,” he said. 

A recent survey from Our Watch showed that almost 90 per cent of workplace leaders believe gender equality and preventing violence against women is good for business. The survey also made clear that there is more scope to explain to leaders the role they can play in ending violence against women.  

According to Our Watch, delivering on gender equality outcomes in workplaces can boost productivity, employee engagement and performance. 

Gender equality can present in a range of ways in the workplace, including as pay inequity, women being underrepresented in senior roles or as part of decision-making, and negative gender stereotypes. 

If you or someone you know is impacted by sexual assault, family or domestic violence, call 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or visit

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