'Someone with a long surname, and a woman, can be Premier of NSW': Gladys Berejiklian holds down top job

‘Someone with a long surname, and a woman, can be Premier of NSW’: Gladys Berejiklian holds down top job

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian has claimed victory in today’s state election, becoming the first ever elected, Liberal female Premier.

The Coalition will be returned for a third straight term, but it is still unclear whether Berejiklian will be forced to form a minority government. Seven seats remain unconfirmed on Saturday night, with the government needing to pick up four to maintain a majority.

NSW Labor, led by Michael Daley had a disastrous result, failing to pick up a single seat from the government. Daley’s campaign was plagued when footage emerged last week of him suggesting that young people were being forced to “flee” Sydney because their jobs were being taken by educated Asians.

Despite this, Daley declared he was proud of his and his team’s efforts and intended to remain leader.

During her victory speech, Berejiklian said she was “incredibly proud of the wonderful place in which we live.”

She noted the possibility of a minority government, but assured the electorate she’d make it work. “Whether or not my government is a majority or minority government, we will work closely with the three minority parties in the New South Wales government which is so important for NSW,” she said.

“For the first time in nearly half a century the people of NSW have seen fit to give us a third term in government.”

She added that the Liberal Party had not conceded a single seat to Labor and that in some seats there’d even been a “swing to the government.”

Before thanking her mum, dad and sisters. Berejiklian highlighted the significance of her win and her gratitude in NSW for being a state willing to elect a woman from a migrant background as Premier.

“What is most important to me is that, no matter what your background – where you live, what your circumstances – everybody in this state has the chance to be their best.

“A state in which someone with a long surname – and a woman – can be the premier of NSW.”


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