
‘Fitpreneur’: The new breed of leader and why we need more of them in the workplace.

Nikki Fogden-Moore

There’s a new breed of leader in town. They are healthy, wealthy and wise. They have a sense of energy, are well presented, mentally agile and dynamic – in both personal and business acumen.  They are the Fitpreneur.

Fitpreneurs demonstrate a real blend and dedication to health, wellbeing and running a business with intelligence and efficiency. They plan their week, connect with their teams and share the importance of personal and commercial accountability combined. Without exception. It has nothing to do with age – but everything to do with experience and purpose; to being and delivering their personal best.

The largest asset we have inside an organisation is our people, and the culture we create does not come from the paper it’s written on but the actions of those in charge. From any level of report to the CEO.  The Australian workplace Wellness survey stated the challenge for employers is to take a strategic and measurable approach to human capital.  Starting with the leaders themselves.

As businesses are squeezed more by technology, less time, virtual teams, shift work, automation and a lack of personal connection for people and their jobs – it’s more crucial than ever to bring strong leadership demonstrating a personal approach to integrating work life choices that are positive, effective and encourage a sense of purpose in and out of office hours.  We must walk the talk.

It’s never too late to get your mojo back as a manager

1.     Identify people inside your organisation that clearly demonstrate clear headed personal accountability – tap into them and make them part of your dream team to lead by example

2.     Ask yourself do you know your staff, are you connecting with energy and presence or always too busy and stressed out? What messages are you giving with your presentation and behaviour

3.     Look at ways you can run your  winning week with purpose and integrate the 5 key pillars of performance (health and fitness, admin, productivity, friends/family and ME time)

4.     Consider being a role model for your company – make time for your own physcial and mental wellbeing, choose healthy nutritious food that fuels your mind and your body, start looking at ways to support you and your teams to have better use of time, space and resources in all areas of life.

If lack of productivity, no shows and sick leave are crippling organisations[1] – the fastest way to start creating change is for management themselves to start leading by example. We need more fitpreneurs inside organisations who can clearly show that creating time for health and fitness, admin, productivity, friends/family and ME time should be fully integrated into any given week.

Whether we like to acknowledge it or not senior management and their actions create the culture. How we lead, communicate and demonstrate gets filtered through the organisation. At any size.

It is not about doing push ups in a board meeting or setting up lunch time tennis for the entire company – but rather leading with a clear sense of personal purpose, business intelligence and a focused approach.

Leaders who shine never stop learning – they continue to evolve, to share and develop skills that empower energy, experience and excellence in all they do – as an individual and for the business.

The Fitpreneur knows the importance of bringing both business and personal vitality to life for lasting results.


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