I’ve started to compile a list of the things I wish I could find the time to do on the weekend. I plan to share these things with you each Friday.
Learning to play golf is one of the activities that I increasingly find myself saying I want to be able to play in retirement. But that may still be another two decades away, if ever – if I’m lucky.
I have only ever played one round of golf. It was when I was a journalist for The Daily Mirror many moons ago. The sports journos had organized a fundraising day and we were encouraged to be a part of it. I was completely hopeless at golf and achieved the highest score that day. I have wanted to learn to play ever since, but simply haven’t had the time.
Golf has long been a favoured networking activity for executives. I have worked with many senior women who have taken up golf to be a part of it. If that is still true of your industry and you would like to be where the action is then this video may help get you started. There are also health benefits, which is really what interests me most.
Why not start this weekend? If you decide to give it a go let me know how you go.