Holidays are great, but they can also pose a challenge if you want to maintain some of your healthier habits. Let’s look at how to you can avoid going backwards over the festive season.
Routine plays a big role in habits. During the course of a normal year your days tend to take on a familiar feel—you get up around the same time, get dressed and ready for work in the same sequence, travel to the same place and by the same means, spend time in your familiar workplace before returning home and winding down. All these routines become the tapestry around which habits form.
You might exercise after getting up and before you shower. You might eat a healthy breakfast based on your regular grocery shopping habits. You might have a no-drink policy during the week that you stick to.
But then you go on holidays.
You get up late and skip the gym. You go out for breakfast with friends. You find yourself drinking every night. Discover shallow habits“It is the holidays, after all”, you think.
How sticky is your habit?
The secret to maintaining healthy habits over the holidays is knowing how deep-seated your habits are. In other words, are they sticky?
While sticky habits are robust and you take them wherever you go, others are tenuous and tied to the home environment or routine. As soon as you are away from routine, the habit falls away. I call these “shallow habits”.
A sticky habit is one where:
You do it wherever you are;
It feels weird not to do it; and
You don’t think about doing it, but you think about it if you haven’t done it.
For most of us, brushing our teeth is a sticky habit.
A shallow habit is one where:
You still have to think about doing it;
You might not notice if you don’t do it;
If you do notice, you are quick to rationalise why you didn’t need to do it; and
You find yourself forgetting about it or dropping it when you are travelling or out of routine.
For me meditation remains a shallow habit. I can do it for periods at a time but I can just as easily stop. I am having better luck with flossing, and it is on the cusp of moving from shallow to sticky.
It’s worth noting that shallow habits are not really habits at all because they have not yet become automated. However, they are behaviours that you are on the path to habituating so for our purposes we want to include them in our habit family.
Supporting shallow habits
When it comes to the holidays, you probably don’t need to worry about your sticky habits because you will either do them regardless, or resume after a short break because you miss them too much.
Shallow habits are the ones you need to protect. For that, you need to out wit yourself and can try the following four techniques.
1. Manage your environment
Your environment will have a large bearing on how well you support your shallow habits. Having an exercise habit that relies on a gym, for example, means if you are away from that gym or it is closed, you won’t exercise. In that case you can do two things:
Look for similar environments – choose a hotel with a gym, for example; or
Migrate the context of your habit – leading up to the holidays, intersperse gym-based exercise with outdoor workouts or activities in the home.