Being Mindful in May: Our guide for developing the 10 minute daily habit - Women's Agenda

Being Mindful in May: Our guide for developing the 10 minute daily habit

Mindfulness meditation is now so popular in the US that it’s being utilised in board rooms from Silicon Valley to Wall Street, and even incorporated into internal training programs at Google.

It’s seen as a more focussed, clear and effective way of engaging with the demands of an increasingly hyper-connected world. And, now, the entire month of May has been dedicated to achieving that little bit of internal calm.

Founded by Dr Elise Bialylew, Mindful in May is an opportunity to give time-poor people an introduction to meditation and mindfulness through 10-minute guided meditations, as well as offering a chance to give back — with proceeds from the program going to Charity Waters, a not-for-profit building clean water wells in developing countries.

It’s hard to find too many excuses not to commit to something that only takes 10 minutes a day and could help you manage stress and find some relaxation, but if you do need more convincing Women’s Agenda has published a number of articles on mindfulness and meditation:

The art of mindfulness: What is it and how do you actually do it?

It may sound crazy, but the antidote to time stress is intentional non-doing. Why multi-tasking’s out, and mindfulness is in.

Dr Elise Bialylew, founder of Mindful in May, talks us through the program and why mindfulness is the perfect companion to developing our capacity to think more clearly, be more effective and find wiser solutions to challenging problems..

Five wellbeing tips for when life feels out of control — even if you’re not so keen on committing to meditation.

Could mindfulness be the key to being a better leader?

Want to give it a go yourself? It’s not too late to sign up for Mindful in May. There’s still time left to register here.

Don’t want to commit to an entire month of meditation but still keen to see what the fuss is about? Check out some of these apps that will introduce you to the world of meditation:

Salute The Desk — This app helps you stretch and relax right at your desk and can help give you a few minutes out of a busy day to restore some calm.

Meditation Oasis – If you really don’t have any time to stop, Meditation Oasis’s app guides you through three different walking meditations so you can still fit in some mindfulness while you’re on the go.

The Mindfulness App — This mindfulness app comes with guided meditations that are 3, 5, 15, and 30 minutes in length. There’s also a silent meditation option and a brief body-scan practice.


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