Ed's Blog What a morning with Quentin Bryce taught me. Life advice from Quentin Bryce. What I learned after a morning with the author of Dear Quentin on childcare, motherhood, resilience and sexism.
News & Views Childcare, combining Canberra with family & women in politics: An interview with Simon Birmingham An interview with Simon Birmingham by Georgina Dent about the recent childcare reform, combining a career in canberra with kids and women in politics.
News & Views How Australia completely missed the point about “women as a drain on the economy”. The OECD report was about women’s workforce participation rates in Australia not stay-at-home mums being a drain on the economy.
News & Views Make childcare fair and women will return to work According to the Pregnancy and Employment Transitions Survey, released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics last week, 27% of women who returned to work following the birth of a child relied on grandparents as their main form of childcare.
News & Views Childcare: What good’s a rebate when you can’t even get a place? Just about every time I click on a YouTube video, watch television or open a newspaper, I’m confronted with federal government advertisements informing me that we can claim a non-means tested childcare rebate.
News & Views Want a mother’s vote? Paid parental leave is not the answer Ask any working mum about her secret to success and there’s one common denominator: access to quality and affordable childcare.
Ed's Blog Stop shaming mothers for having children Yesterday I read something that had its intended effect.
Advice When is the best time to start your baby in daycare? It’s the question that can overwhelm a new parent with fear and guilt.
News & Views Having kids is not the same as buying a flat screen TV It has always surprised me to hear children referred to as though they are some kind of consumer product or accessory.
News & Views The post-children career break: Is it right for you? After fifteen years in marketing and being the “kind of gal who was married to her job”, Melissa Grant experienced an unprecedented change in mindset while expecting her first child.
News & Views Deborah Hutton puts childcare affordability on political agenda Just $160 is left in the average weekly pay packet of Australian working mums after the cost of childcare is taken out, according to the Australian Women Chamber of Commerce & Industry (AWCCI).
Business ‘I can’t have it all’: Why men like James Brayshaw and John Key are walking away from their jobs. “I’ve got to get better at being a dad, and a partner, being around a bit more, not being stressed and knackered when I am,” he said.