News & Views Danielle Wood appointed Chair of the Productivity Commission Danielle Wood, CEO of the Grattan Institute, has been named by Treasurer Jim Chalmers as the next Chair of the Productivity Commission.
News & Views What did the jobs summit achieve on gender equality? Here are some key outcomes With the Jobs and Skill Summit done and dusted, it’s worth reflecting on what it achieved when it comes to gender equality.
News & Views We lead on women’s education, economic participation is a massive opportunity: Danielle Wood at Jobs Summit Wood’s glass-half-full view was that “more people who want a job now have one”, a great leveller for the nation’s equitable access to work.
News & Views Women copped a COVID recession triple-whammy. It’s time to put the hard hats aside and bolster the care economy This IWD, let’s look beyond the male-dominated construction sector as being key to the COVID recover. Women copped a triple-whammy