News & Views Endometriosis: Four years since Greg Hunt’s apology, what’s changed? Back in 2017, Greg Hunt issued a rare apology to Australian women. It sparked the beginning of a massive shift on endometriosis.
Women's Health News Heavy, painful periods? 1 in 5 women suffer from this little known menstrual disease Experiencing heavy period pains? You might have Adenomyosis, a menstrual condition of the uterus that affects 1 in 5 women.
News & Views Amy Schumer has had her uterus & appendix removed due to endometriosis From hospital, Amy Schumer has told her Instagram followers that if they “have really painful periods”, they might have endometriosis.
Health Endometriosis and its detrimental effects on women’s working lives A recent study from Finland has revealed that women with endometriosis took ten or more sick days compared to those without the condition.
Health There’s a massive inventor gender gap and women’s health is suffering as a result There’s long been a stubborn inventor gender gap at play and that gap has and is continuing to significantly hamper women’s health.
Women's Health News Women’s health is so much more than physical. A broad, inclusive approach could be a game-changer Women’s health is so much more than physical needs. It’s about everything that contributies to our wellbeing: opportunity, care & more.
News & Views Three new endometriosis research projects to get underway using federal government funding The Royal Women’s Hospital is launching three new collaborative research projects hoping to improve outcomes endometriosis outcomes.
News & Views In an AFL isolation hub, endometriosis took hold of my body. Here’s what I learned The only thing more painful than having endometriosis, is not knowing you have it, writes Rebecca Klodinsky.
News & Views Endometriosis has gone under-researched, under-acknowledged & under-funded for too long. Here’s what needs to change For Endometriosis Awareness Month, Women’s Health Services across Victoria are banding together to shine a much-needed spotlight on endometriosis.
Women's Health News A ‘hidden epidemic’: The case for trauma-informed medical care in Australia It’s time to train all doctors, no matter what their speciality, in all the different ways that trauma can show up on the body.
Health ‘No woman deserves to feel ashamed’: Why entrepreneur Keira Rumble is working to destigmatise infertility Keira Rumble has navigated a long and painful road of endometriosis and infertility. But she’s sharing her experience in a bid to help others.
Women's Health News My endometriosis spread through my body like cancer Tamara Wrigley was diagnosed with endometriosis at age 33. She urges other women not to procrastinate when it comes to health.