Leadership 10 women who have refused to stay silent, shifting the dial for change in 2024 Agenda setters, rule breakers, those that have shifted the dial. Here are the top ten women who have left us awe-inspired this year.
Partner Content What to do when your inner voice holds you back: Nicole Hatherly Nicole Hatherly speaks with confidence, clarity and an ease that appears to have been there her entire life. Ten years ago, she could barely speak in front of three people.
News & Views The electoral lows and highs of female candidates in the Liberal Party pipeline The past two weeks have been a tough ride for the Liberal Party, with a messy NSW preselection issue and a big win in the Northern Territory, showing both progress and ongoing struggles with getting more women into politics.
Appointments Helen Conway appointed Board Chair at KU Children’s Services Australian pioneering workplace gender equality leader Helen Conway has been appointed Board Chair at KU Children’s Services.
Business Majority female-led startup ReciMe attracts leading investors with $1.5 million seed round An app helping home cooks organise and share recipes, ReciMe has attracted America’s leading investors, with a $1.5 million seed round.
News & Views 113 countries have never had a woman as Head of State, UN Women says A new UN report has revealed that only 26 countries are led by a woman as of today. 113 have never had a woman serve as Head of State.
News & Views The new women’s club aiming to close the entrepreneurship gender gap One Roof has developed the Inner Circle, a bespoke program designed specifically for women entrepreneurs. Frances Goh explains more.
Appointments Sue Shilbury appointed CEO of Family Planning Australia Sue Shilbury has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of Family Planning Australia, a leading reproductive and sexual health service.
Business Corporate management: Women are losing ground and need to be more strategic, but the culture must also change A trend towards fewer female leadership appointments will create a male-dominated labour market and more masculine power in coming years.
News & Views Feel like the ‘token woman’ in a leadership team? Some ideas on what you can do Acknowledging the fact that there are more women in leadership positions than ever before does not mean that the ‘token female’ feeling is absent.
News & Views HESTA to lead fund managers in campaign for 40% women executives in ASX200 HESTA is leading an initiative to encourage companies in the ASX200 to fill 40 per cent of their executive positions with women by 2030.
News & Views Taiwan’s first female president is delivering a stunning COVID-19 response The infection rate is low. The response has been swift. The country is now donating to help other affected countries, sharing surgical masks globally.