Politics Closing the gender pay gap is a boon for productivity. Closing the gender pay gap is a win for productivity. Eliminating Australia’s existing gender gap would lift long-term labour productivity growth by 5.7%.
Ed's Blog Further proof the pay gap is not a myth. The ATO’s annual release of taxation data provides further proof the pay gap is no myth, it’s a stubborn fact. The gap between men & women’s pay is stark.
News & Views Iceland to make companies prove they pay men and women equally. Iceland mandates equal pay by making companies prove they pay men and women equally with a new bill to eradicate the gender pay gap of 7%.
Uncategorised Why the gap in numbers when it comes to the pay gap? The pay gap explained. Why the different numbers when it comes to reporting the pay gap? Bianca Hartge-Hazelman provides clarification.
News & Views Women cricketers in Australia just got a very big pay rise. Australian women in cricket get a big payrise after Cricket Australia tables proposal which will deliver an immediate pay increase of 125% for females.
Ed's Blog Women in AFL are paying to play & it needs to change. The pay gap in AFL means women are effectively paying to play and the success of the NAB AFLW hopefully means that will change.
Ed's Blog How do I really feel about International Women’s Day? Underwhelmed. International Women’s Day attracts so much attention but it doesn’t amount to substantive change. Platitudes don’t help gender equality.
Business Revealed: The 106 best employers for women in Australia The Workplace Gender Equality Agency has today released its annual list of Employers of Choice for Gender Equality.
Ed's Blog Cabinet is bad. Big business is not much better. Less than two weeks after the new government unveiled a Cabinet with just one woman, we learn that the representation of women in our biggest organisations remains a low priority.
Ed's Blog Sexism, solidarity & the sisterhood out in force There’s “a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women”.
Ed's Blog The dreadful reason women’s cricket made it to the front page It’s not every day that women’s sports makes the front page of any newspaper, let alone a national broadsheet like The Australian.
News & Views The Audi Superbowl ad that is making men mad The Super Bowl is on today and even if you know nothing about American football, you are probably familiar with the commercials that are run during the broadcast.