Advice Success in a male-dominated industry? 13 ways for women to make it happen All industries need a balance of women and men working alongside each other, as both genders bring different viewpoints and opinions to the table.
Advice Ten tips for jumping ahead from two young women on a board You don’t always need professional management training or structured graduate programs to progressively climb the career ladder.
Advice Promotion preparation: an action plan for moving up One of the best pieces of career advice Mark Jones received from a boss was the one-liner: “If you are to be promoted to the next level, show us you can operate at that level.
Advice How to ask for a promotion Asking for a promotion is right up there as one of life’s more difficult conversations.
Advice Forget the five-year plan: Technology will kill it anyway Mapping out a personal five-year career plan is a redundant approach, says Carole Brown, National President of the Career Development Association of Australia.
Advice Bullied by those beneath you? Tackle it before it tackles you Upward bullying is a problem women in management are particularly vulnerable to, according to recent research, especially in organisations where resources are tight and employee workloads high.
Advice Bullying from beneath: when staff turn on you We’ve all heard about toxic bosses unleashing hell on their workers but a number of recent studies show managers are increasingly complaining about being bullied by their own staff – and usually, it’s women who are the most vulnerable.
Advice Tackling the five challenges for women in business It is a time of significant reform – changes to the Sex Discrimination Act; the introduction of Paid Parental Leave and the new ASX guidelines that make it mandatory for ASX200 companies to report on the gender ratio of senior executives and company directors, release a diversity policy and set gender targets.
Advice How networks of change can help female business owners It might sometimes seem like slow progress, but measures across such categories as the increased participation of women in the workforce and the numbers of women opening their own businesses show that things are improving for women in the world of business.
Advice A letter to my fellow female academics For young women who are extremely driven and motivated to be successful in a meaningful, world-changing kind of way, the journey to said fulfilling career can be extremely confusing.