Health No amount of wellness can help when you’re overworked Many of the people who visit me in my therapy practice spend time talking about work.
Health Where are your moments of joy? I’ve been seeing a trend with some of my private clients lately, and with many of the women who write and share their stories with me.
Health Do you need a ‘standing desk’? The ultimate new health accessory is here, and doctors are encouraging you to use it.
Health Is it a shark or a piece of seaweed? How to stop stressing out Isn’t it amazing how we can stress ourselves out in a split second? Someone cuts you off in the traffic, a bill arrives that is bigger than expected, the bus is later, the coffee machine is not working.
Health 8 ways to rebuild lost confidence Every one of us has experienced at least one instance in our lives where our confidence has been smashed and we’ve had to re-build shattered psyches from the ground up.
Health The cancer no one thinks will happen to them Australian women are pretty good when it comes to getting cancer checks.
Health 5 ways to stress less and feel good Today is Lifeline’s Stress Down Day, a dedicated day to have fun, stress less and feel good.
Health What’s normal? The trouble with cosmetic surgery for vaginas General practitioners have an important role to play in alleviating women’s anxiety about their genital appearance and can help stop the rise in women going under the knife for cosmetic reasons.