Bec Brideson shares honest work-life routine following the pandemic

Consulting trailblazer Bec Brideson shares her honest work-life routine following the pandemic

Bec Brideson

Venus Comms Founder and CEO Bec Brideson is the latest to feature in our How I Manage My Health series examining how dynamic women from different career backgrounds manage their physical and mental health.

Trailblazer and innovator Bec Brideson strives to do things everyday for both mental and physical health– uninterrupted early mornings, workout routines at the gym with podcasts and time spent with friends and family.

However, as many can relate to, events from the pandemic caused challenges and Brideson is honest about the fact that she’s still on the hunt for a good work-life balance since then.

Her life is busy, but even so, she’s continuing to grow her already long list of achievements.

As CEO and founder of Venus Comms, she’s among the only .01 per cent of women to start an advertising agency and was the youngest female Creative Director in Australia when globally only 3 per cent of women had made it to that position.

Brideson is a published author, consultant, speaker, CEO/Founder of Venus Comms and mum to two school-aged daughters. 

She’s among the only .01 per cent of women to start an advertising agency and was the youngest female Creative Director in Australia when globally only 3 per cent of women had made it to that position.

Having worked in Sydney, Auckland and Melbourne as well as delivering thought-provoking presentations in Asia, France, USA and the UK, Brideson has been tackling the commercialisation of gender and the opportunity for business growth. 

Her work as a strategist and commitment to educating industries about women’s incredible economic influence and their role as leaders in business, politics and wider social inequalities has received recognition through countless awards.

She’s also been on the Board of Shebah Rideshare, and currently serves on the Board at Shelford Girls Grammar, For Films Sake and is a founding member of the reference group for Women’s Health Victoria in the Shequal program.

And while her agency, Venus Comms, has been at the forefront of recognising the wealth and value of female consumers, Brideson is preparing to take on yet another project. She plans to relaunch her business consulting to leaders in business on improvements through a gendered-lens.


Read Bec Brideson’s full health profile below and get Women’s Health News in your inbox. Subscribe here.

In the morning, I…

Get up early around 5am.. if I can. IF I can. Some days it’s later but it’s a habit I got into while writing a book and then again during Covid with daughters at home during the lockdowns. It is highly productive uninterrupted work time and the bonus of experiencing the sunrise is a beautiful start to the day. I will make a coffee, journal for 10 minutes, check my daily schedule and think about the day ahead with intention.

By 8am I have my girls ready to leave the house, drive them to school and then I’m ready for the official work day to begin – emails, calls, meetings and more.

My exercise routine includes…

I try and do 10,000 steps a day – again it’s easier said than done especially on the days I am meeting back to back or desk bound.

I go to the gym 5 times a week – I do 10 minute warm up then weights for 50 minutes. Arms, legs and core strength. I try and make the time super-productive by listening to podcasts and exercising my brain whilst I exercise my body.

My favourite workout is…

Because I train by myself it is usually when I feel really strong and in peak condition to push myself and increase the weights or repetitions.

Funny enough, when I feel angry or fired up I can work really hard on increasing the weights.

When I feel energised and happy – I can do longer repetitions and when I am struggling with juggling the load – I make it a quick effort and do half the workout – but I know this is better than skipping the routine entirely.

I find balance in…

Since Covid – I have not found balance. It’s not the answer I wish I was giving but it’s honest.

As a Covid divorce story, I am doing basically full time care for my daughters as well as running business, life and the load…

Recently I listed all the things that need my attention and found I really need 26.5 hours every day and that is on top of reducing my sleeping hours ( and we all know the importance of a good night’s sleep!!!)

I don’t recommend readers be inspired by this at all… but it is born from necessity for a little while longer whilst I restabilise the home and recover from a big few years.

I find balance in being with people – my friends, clients and colleagues.

I find balance through my mentors.

I find balance in getting through the long, long lists of priorities and ticking them off…

And balance with my new partner – he is the silver lining in the chapter of life I didn’t see coming.

On health, I encourage women to…

Knowledge is power. I am a great researcher and have equally curious and informed friends who share their knowledge in our village. I encourage women to find a trusted circle and share what is going on for them.

Listen to yourself – the answers are inside and developing ways to hear yourself and understand your needs means you are more likely to be able to achieve what you want.

It’s a cliché – but be kind to yourself and stop the self-admonishment. Be mindful of the messages and tone who your inner voice is speaking with.

Physical and psychological – it all matters. Keeping your body moving is essential – “healthy body, healthy mind” is an adage for a reason.

Investigate 5D consciousness and spiritual awakening.


Stay Smart!

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