An incident that was previously described as a possible antisemitic attack has been relabelled by police this morning as a random attack.
First reported by the ABC, police confirmed that the egging of five young women near Bondi beach on Saturday night was not antisemitic. A 16-year old boy and 14-year old boy have been charged over the incident.
This morning, police announced they would allege in court that their investigation concluded that the attack was random. Strike Force Pearl, who were set up to deal with the recent spate of antisemitic attacks, are no longer involved in the case.
On Saturday night, a silver Mazda was found crashed into a kerb in Rose Bay with two cartons of eggs and an empty jerry inside. The teenagers allegedly fled the car before it was found, just hours after the five young women made their report to the police.
On Monday, the older teenager was arrested in Maroubra, and charged with take/drive conveyance without consent of owner, negligent driving, two counts of learner drive unaccompanied, and not display L plates. He was refused bail and is expected to appear in children’s court later today.
His younger alleged accomplice was arrested in Waverley, and charged with be carried in conveyance taken without consent of owner (ie. ‘joy riding’) and was granted conditional bail to appear at a children’s court next Monday.