Ed's Blog What women should (but won’t) get in the 2017 Budget. What women should get in the 2017 Budget in Australia. Bringing back the women’s budget statement, addressing the pay gap & boost workforce participation.
News & Views Tony Abbott blasts ‘anti-men, politically-correct rubbish’. Tony Abbott blasts anti-men, politically-correct rubbish on radio with Ray Hadley today referring to a HRC proposal to create gender balanced boards.
News & Views Yassmin Abdel-Magied is in The Daily Telegraph’s firing line. Again. Yassmin Abdel-Magied is back in The Daily Telegraph’s firing line for an Anzac Day post reminding us of the suffering of those in Syria, Manus & Nauru.
News & Views Government restores funding to community legal centres. George Brandis announces funding restored to community legal centres by $56 million over three years. It is a reversal of the cuts the coalition introduced.
Ed's Blog What a morning with Quentin Bryce taught me. Life advice from Quentin Bryce. What I learned after a morning with the author of Dear Quentin on childcare, motherhood, resilience and sexism.
Politics How women in Australia gained the right to vote. How women in Australia got the right to vote. It was no gift, it was the result of concerted activism led by a group of white, middle-class, urban women.
News & Views Childcare, combining Canberra with family & women in politics: An interview with Simon Birmingham An interview with Simon Birmingham by Georgina Dent about the recent childcare reform, combining a career in canberra with kids and women in politics.
Leadership Julia Gillard: Don’t be bullied into not calling sexism out. Julia Gillard: Don’t be bullied into not calling sexism out. Someone who imposes sexist stereotypes plays the gender card not the woman who calls it out.
News & Views One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts says ‘some girls like being wolf-whistled’. ‘Some girls like being wolf-whistled’ according to One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts. He told Patricia Karvelas that some think it’s wonderful.
Politics Why Peter Dutton ought to stick to his knitting. Peter Dutton hit out at a group of Australian CEOs calling on the government for action on same sex marriage saying they should stick to their knitting.
News & Views How Australia completely missed the point about “women as a drain on the economy”. The OECD report was about women’s workforce participation rates in Australia not stay-at-home mums being a drain on the economy.
Soapbox A women’s place is in the House. And the Senate. And the Cabinet. The rise of Trump’s regime and the re-invigoration of misogyny worldwide we’ve seen how quickly the progress for women in politics can be undermined.