How Mathuri Santhi-Morgan finds balance during Covid.

Finding balance is touch during Covid. This is how Mathuri Santhi-Morgan makes it work.


In the midst of all the chaos during this time of uncertainty, Mathuri Santhi-Morgan, Founder of GIRLS Rising Up, has found other ways to keep her health in check.

Below she shares how she’s continued to nurture her mind and body, as part of our weekly Women’s Health News column sharing how women across all industries manage their health.

In the mornings I…

Meditate. I used to find sitting still really hard but finding a meditation teacher or program that works for you really helped me and I now meditate twice a day. When I wake up and when I go to bed. I put my kids to bed with meditation – it’s a great parenting hack!

My exercise routine includes…

Running after 2 kids? Exercise has been a bit hit and miss this year, but I try and do yoga a few times a week and hikes on the weekend where possible.

Family walks are a good way to spend time together and get some exercise in and now we have a dog to keep me honest about going for regular walks.

My favourite workout is…

Tabata. When my exercise routine is on track, I do Tabata every morning. It’s a high high-intensity workout and only 7 minutes which suits me perfectly.

I find balance in…

Balance is a tricky one in 2020-21. I feel like life has been a bit of a pendulum where we are wholly immersed (whether in work, family, media/the news, social (in)justice) or conversely need to completely disconnect.

To bring that balance into my life, especially when the pendulum is out of control, I go back to basics of human connection – spending time alone or with family, having a great chat with friends or family. Mental health is so crucial right now so I’m more cognisant/conscious of my capacity and giving myself the time to recharge.

On health, I encourage women to…

Practise self-care and be gentle with yourself. We need to look after ourselves to look after others otherwise we burn out. Take time out for yourself and do things you enjoy.

One piece of advice I give myself is ‘when you are confronted with a difficult or challenging situation, ask yourself what advice would you give your child/your younger self in a similar situation?’

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